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Low Expansion Foam

Foams with an expansion ratio* of 1 to 20 are called as low expansion foams. Application areas include; outdoor storage tanks, interior flammable hazardous areas containing flammable liquids, transfer and loading platforms for chemical and petroleum facilities, ditch zone around the tank areas and unconfined transportation areas.

Medium Expansion Foam

Foams with an expansion ratio* of 20 to 200 are called as medium expansion foams. Application areas include; ordinary inflammables, flammable/combustible liquids and its combinations with ordinary combustible materials.

High Expansion Foam

Foams with an expansion ratio* of 200 to about 1000 are called as high expansion foams. Application areas include; ordinary inflammables, flammable/combustible liquids and its combinations with ordinary combustible materials and liquefied natural gas.

* Indicates the ratio of the final foam to the volume of the original foam solution of the product.
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